Z6383 CSR8635 Bluetooth V4.0 Module
Z6380 Datalogger Shield for Arduino
Z6339 DC-DC Boost Display Module 3-34V In / 4-35V Out
Z6337 DC-DC Buck Boost Module 1A / 1.25V-26V DC
Z6334 DC-DC Buck Module 3-40V In / 1.5-35V Out
Z6338 DC-DC Converter Module 3.5-35V In / 5-52V Out
Z6338X DC-DC Converter Module 3.8-32V In / 1.25-35V Out
Z6206 DeadOn RTC - DS3234 Breakout
Z6500 DFR0074 Arduino Interface Shield Connection Module
Z6502 DFR0091 128 x 64 Arduino 3 Wire Serial LCD Display Module
Z6542 DFR0231 NFC Module for Arduino
Z6560 DFR0273 Arduino Speech Synthesis Shield
K2220 Digital Recording Lab Kit
K9800 DIYODE 3 State Logic Probe Kit
K8601 Double-Sided Black PEI Build Plate
Z6207 DS1302 Real Time Clock Module
Z6389 DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Breakout for Arduino
Z6452 Education STEM Bot Kit With Bluetooth
K6075 eFuse Resettable 12V Circuit Breaker Kit
K-8600E Ender 3 3D Printer Replacement Power Supply Module
K-8600A Ender 3 3D Printer Standard Mainboard V4.2.2
K8600 Ender-3 Desktop 3D Printer
K8610 Ender-3 S1 Pro 3D Printer
K8600A Ender-3 V3 SE Desktop 3D Printer
K8602 Ender-5 Pro Desktop 3D Printer
Z6387 ESP32 WiFi-Bluetooth Camera Module Development Board
Z6385A ESP32 WiFi-Bluetooth Module & Interface Board
Z6433 ESP32-S3 Development Board
Z6360 ESP8266 ESP-01 Mini Wi-Fi Breakout Module
Z6441 ESP8266EX USB Mini Wi-Fi Module
K2574 ESR Meter Kit
H0800 Ferric Chloride Copper Etchant 500mL
Z6520 FIT0328 2.7
K2620 Five-Way LCD  Panel Meter Kit
Z6522A FT232 USB To TTL Serial Lead
Z6212 FTDI Basic Breakout 5V
Z6225 FTDI USB Breakout 3.3V / 5V
Z6330 Funduino 5V DC Stepper Motor And ULN2003 Control Board
Z6313 Funduino Analog Display Kit
Z6314 Funduino DIY Geek Kit
Z6244 Funduino Due Arduino Compatible Development Board
Z6242 Funduino Ethernet Shield R3
Z6340 Funduino Joystick Game Shield
Z6208A Funduino L293D Motor Shield For Arduino
Z6343 Funduino L298 H-Bridge Motor Shield For Arduino
Z6345 Funduino LCD Screen Keypad Control Shield
Z6349 Funduino Lilypad Style ATmega328 Development Board
Z6346 Funduino Lilypad Style ATmega32U4 Development Board

All prices include GST